"Have I got my eye on anyone yet?" Gabriel lænede sig tænktsomt tilbage i stolen. "Well, Jack seems like a good guy, and certainly a good looking guy." Han grinte lidt. "Otherwise I don't really know. There's many interesting people" fortsatte han tænksomt. Det havde været en interessant dag, både snakken med Jack, og Ashes opførsel var noget at tænke over.
"Do you feel more or less confident in your partner?" blev der spurgt bag kameraet.
Gabriel rynkede brynene lidt. "Well, Ashe did act off ... don't know if it's about confidence, but I might wanna do some digging. Or at least have a talk with her. She seemed in an awfully bad mood, and not too happy about Jack". Gabriel kløede sig lidt i nakken. "I suppose she is the jealous type, but still .. it seemed off".
"And now you have a new date with Jack?"
"Hm, yeah. I'm looking forward to my next date with Jack. I think it would be good to spend some time away from his guy, meet him when he's a little less worried. Still too early to say if we'll partner up, but I could see it happen".