"This has certainly been an exprience". Moira sad på en stol midt i et tilsyneladende tomt lokale og bladrede gennem nole udprintede rapporter. "I had not expected to find anyone worth talking to here, except for Olivia, of course. That does change things"
"Do you think she could be a potential threat to your ex?" spurgte intervieweren.
Mora så et øjeblik lidt forvirret ud. "Ah, Olivia" hun rømmede sig. "It is still early, and me and Olivia do have history, so I suppose only time will tell. But yes, perhaps she could be."
"Are you less certain about you marriage now?"
Moira skulle lige huske at være in character. "Hm .. Even with this new development, I still feel as I did yesterday about Olivia. It would take more to change five years together. But this is very intriguing. Have you read what she wrote about combining biology and nano-science? Most illuminating"
"... hrm. Would you say you were attracted to her?" spurgte intervieweren, og prøvede at få samtalen back on track.
"I am certainly attracted to her thougts on cell regeneration. I have never really heard anyone describe it quite like this. I do wish I had remembered to bring my testing kit, and perhaps a few samples ... Is there a lab on location?"
Intervieweren gav op og Moira fik lov at gå. Skuffet, der var ikke et laboratorium på hotellet.