Jack sad I den smalle sofa med en arm om Cassidy. Han overvejede om dette her havde været en god ide. En ting var et privat ultimatum, men at tage det til national tv… måske det havde været en emotionel beslutning.
Han rømmede sig og fokuserede på intervieweren da der blev spurgt ind til hvor længe de havde været sammen og hvordan de var mødtes.
”It’s not the most flattering story” begyndte Jack og rømmede sig “we met on gr- one of those dating apps. Cassidy sent me a message. I thought he was a little young, I normally wouldn’t have sent a message, afraid to come off creepy… but he said he liked my pictures and wanted to talk. We met up and quickly realized the chemistry was there. Conversation came naturally and we just had a good time. When we started talking about the future, ours dreams lined up almost too well… it seemed like we were the perfect match.”
“The perfect match, with an ultimatum. Who gave the ultimatum and why?” spurgte interviereren
“I gave the ultimatum” Jack rynkede brynene “I’m not getting any younger. Cassidy and I agree on what we want to do, but not when… I’d like to get married while I still look somewhat decent in a photo, and move to a farm while my legs still work.”
Intervieweren kiggede mod Cassidy “so if you two want the same things, then why the hesitation?”